Hayek『The road to selfdom』


The Road to Serfdom

The Road to Serfdom

1. The Abandoned Road 、2. The Great Utopia、3.Individualism and Collectivism読了*1
De Tocquebille先生の金言を孫引き

"Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."[p29]

苦し紛れに(?)Socaialistが持ち出すnew freedom.多分この区別は重要なのでメモ
old=political freedom/ new=economic freedom

political freedom had meant freedom from coercion, arbitray power of ohter men・・・. The new freedom promised,however, was to be freedom from necessity, release from the compulation of the circumstances which inevitably limit the range of choice of all of us,・・・.

その後はnew freedomはsocailsmのプロパガンダであって[p31]、そんなユートピアは存在していないと喝破[p32]
